Sunday, June 10, 2012


Summer is almost here...

I'm definitely looking forward to the change in season, and not being pregnant this summer is going to be amazing! I'm hoping to get a kiddie pool for baby and myself to cool off in on the weekends. She loves bathtime so pool time is sure to be awesome :-)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

2nd Anniversary

Well... Our second anniversary was memorable. I won't say it was particularly great, though. We planned to go back to our university and visit our favorite restaurants and stomping grounds with baby in tow. Would have made for some awesome pictures <3

But instead our water heater broke. Last Thursday. We thought it would be cheaper to wait on the expensive parts rather than buy a whole new unit and now we've been out of hot water for nearly a week. Tomorrow will be a week :-/

Needless to say, our trip was canceled and we had a less than amazing anniversary. There's always next year, I guess.

On a lighter note, baby girl is getting so big and she is so happy. She's starting to get into a little trouble now and then since she can roll wherever she wants. When we tell her no, she just looks back with the biggest grin. Melts my heart. I just love her so much! She is eating lots of solids now too. Her favorite thing the past couple days has been green beans of all things!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

It's been WAY too long.

Wow. I figured that I needed to write something since I haven't in so long, then I realized it's been over a year! A YEAR! But... I have a pretty good excuse I think :-)

I had a baby!!!! She was born in November and now she is 6 months old and I just had my first Mother's Day today. She is the most wonderful thing in my life. I can just look at her and she fills my heart with love, dreams, hope, and faith. What a wonderful world I have stepped into. It wasn't until now that I finally can appreciate how my own mom describes her feelings for me :-)

Bye for now... It's time for bed. But next time I won't be gone for so long haha

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


What is it about 3 day weekends? It's only one extra day off but it's like I'm getting away with something I shouldn't be doing... and I really don't feel guilty at all (haha). It's SO refreshing. I had my weekend and still one more day to kick back and just do what I want.
Today will probably include some housekeeping, but that's okay with me. I am loving life in our new home. It's such a relief to have your own space and be able to do what you want with it whenever you feel like. We finally started hanging decorations up on the walls this weekend. Not Christmas decorations, haha, I mean every day pictures and prints. Still need to put up our wedding pictures. The reason we are not really doing Christmas decorations this year is mostly because of Whiskey (we don't trust her around a Christmas tree). Just seems like such a mess.
We ARE excited for Christmas, though. I have pretty much everyone crossed off my list, just need to make some cookies and treats for the special people who are getting those this year. I can't believe Christmas Eve is only 10 days away! I'll blink and it will be over :-/ That's okay, though. Life is good :-)
Oh! Blondie was spayed yesterday. She's doing fine so far but I felt horrible keeping food and water from her when I brought her home. I was told she would be super drugged up when I picked her up, but I think that wore off. She was just very queasy last night, and today she's VERY moody. Can't wait until she gets back to normal.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

I can't believe it, we have finally moved into our new home!! We have been here for just a couple of weeks so far and we're absolutely loving it. I expected that it was going to take some time for us to settle in, however I think it's going to take several more weeks for me to feel really comfortable with where everything is and where I want to put things. I just can't wait until everything has a home and I can actually start decorating with our wedding pictures, pet pictures, family pictures, etc. I guess I'll have plenty of time to do that, though, since we won't be moving again for a very long time. I just love it here, because we've always lived in a one bedroom apartment but now we have four bedrooms to decorate! One of the rooms is of course our bedroom, one room is just for my clothes and vanity setup, another is set up for the cats to use temporarily, and the last room is completely empty and ready to turn into a guest bedroom. So much to do!! It's going to be a lot of fun, though, doing everything little by little until we get our house just the way we like it :-) Loving life right now!!

Monday, October 25, 2010


This has been one eventful year, I'll tell you that. Moved 5 hours away, got married, finally got a new job, and will be moving into a house soon! In a way it feels like my life is on fast-forward, but at this moment it's an annoying commercial break. Ha ha, in other words we are staying with the in-laws right now and absolutely can't wait to move into our new home! We were just notified today that the bank we're purchasing the house from has chosen a title company! So that means we are making progress, at least. The light IS at the end of the tunnel here :-)

In my life, whenever I come across a stressful situation I like to remind myself of two things: 1) Time is going to keep right on ticking away (i.e. "this too shall pass"), and 2) Big goals are important, but the little goals along the way are what gets you there. For example, I start my first day of my job out of training tomorrow, and I am literally going to not think about it as a whole day. I am going to just tell myself to make it through until my first break, then make it through until lunch, then 2nd break, then I'll be on the home stretch and that dreaded first day will be over. Like the new house, we had to find the realtor, find the house we wanted, make the offer, sign a counter-offer, arrange for inspections, etc.. but I know that each step of this process will get us there eventually. Just gotta keep pushing through. It's very important to me to not let huge obstacles get in my way, to just get through them task by task.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

New Beginnings..

OK there has been so much going on lately! Started my new job on Monday, Blondie had her puppies on Tuesday, Mom and her friend came to visit on Friday, and my birthday was Saturday!! I guess I will just write about each event in order :-)

I LOVE my new job! There are 16 trainees total and we are all getting along pretty well. I just love the office atmosphere... always something going on... theme days, luncheons, health fairs! The culture there is so much fun and they are really focused on supporting their employees in every way. I am sososo happy. This kind of job is just what I needed. :-)
So on the second day of my new job, Blondie had her puppies! She went into labor around 4 AM I think, and she starting delivering at 5:30 AM. She has 4 little pups now: two black females with docked tails, one brown female with a normal tail, and one brown male with a docked tail. They are so sweet and Blondie is the best mama! We are thinking of keeping the little boy, and trying to think of names right now so if you have any ideas please let me know!

So yesterday was my birthday, and my mom and her bud came up Friday night to see me :-) I had the best birthday! Travis surprised me with the collector's edition of LOST... omg every episode! I can't wait to watch them all again :-) And after my mom, her friend, and I spent a little time shopping, we had my birthday dinner which consisted of: chicken salad sandwiches on croissants, sweet peppers filled with jalapeño artichoke dip, cilantro lime shrimp, pineapple spears, sautéed mushrooms, and red velvet cake for dessert!

Today I went shopping at Target for some new work stuff, and I got: gray high-heeled boots, a brown v-neck tank, and a white flowy cardigan (had to copy the one michele1218 just got at Target, except hers is black).

Crazy Crazy week!!!